Real people!

The sun shone, and we finally managed to meet up in person for our July meeting. How lovely to see ‘real’ people rather than rectangular people on a computer screen, and how lovely to see those members again who haven’t been joining us on Zoom. Our July meeting took place as an outdoor ‘socially distanced’ picnic. Many thanks to Sue P for organising the day, and for organising the wind to drop and the sun to shine! No more words, just lots of lovely photos.

Bags, Boxes and Books

At our June meeting one of our members, Sue Bush, inspired us all with her amazing collection of Bags, Boxes & Books. Sue talked us through the many techniques used in her work including beading, felting, weaving, patchwork, embroidery and canvas work. Sue is a prolific stitcher and we greatly enjoyed her talk (comments above from Sue P, thank you).
(Note from webmistress: Sue made us promise not to call her talk ‘Bag-lady’, tempting though it was!)